10+ Ways to Upgrade Your LinkedIn Profile to Get Clients Working from Home

Nishi Tiwari
8 min readJun 12, 2023


Start getting people to get interested in working with you now if you have no idea what LinkedIn is using, Google linkedin.com and sign up for an account right there. If you haven’t tried it before. LinkedIn is a more professional social media platform.

This is usually where a lot of recruiters, including myself at different times. Go into and search for applicants. If they’re not getting high-quality applicants already through the different platforms that they’re on. Also, it’s another way that you can generate leads. That means generating interest in your business or in your services.

I’m going to dive into all the different tips I have for you guys to upgrade your profile.

Photo by Greg Bulla on Unsplash

1) Update your headline.

Now your headline is usually used. To tell people what it is that you do is, for example, mine, says co-founder and CEO of 2X You. But I’ve also added who our target market is. What is the problem that we’re solving and how we’re solving it? That is one way that I’m making myself memorable.

That way, when I’m commenting, I’ll get on posts or message people that show up since that’s my headline. Try to think of difficult ways you can create your headline based on your industry.

Suppose you’re a video editor. You could say video editor for food future. You’re really specific that way you’re calling out your potential clients, so they know that you are looking for them as they are looking for you.

2) Write out your summary.

Now your summary is usually just a place where people say hey, and this and this and this, but this is actually a golden place for you to tell what it is. That is your story or your journey of how you got there.

For example, for me, I talk about how I solved the problem of our clients by having an executive assistant who is fully coached. And trained by us so they can show up and deliver their best.

That is what I showcase in my own summary. You want to think about, OK, how am I solving this specific problem for my clients? Remember earlier in your headline you were already talking about their pain point, the problem, and the solution here you’re diving into it a little bit.

You’re structuring why you’re the expert, why you’re someone they should listen to, and why you’re someone that they should work right.

3) List out your skills now.

One of the major things that people do when they’re speaking syndrome when they’re thinking about LinkedIn is that LinkedIn is actually an SEO field platform. What that means is if you have no idea what SEO is, it’s searched.

Engine optimization. That means that an algorithm or bot or whatever it is that they’re using to look through your LinkedIn profile will find specific keywords for you to show up when people are searching for your skill. Making sure that you take advantage of the 50 skills that you can list out on your LinkedIn is going to help you get a job faster because.

Let’s say I’m looking for a creative writer. As a recruiter, I will just search for the skill, creative writing, and whoever shows up. Those are the people I’m going to start messaging, so keep that in mind of tried to look at all the skills, try to write, and create a list.

It doesn’t have to be 50, could be 10 or 20 as long as you’re putting in the relevant skills that you do bring to the table. You’re an easier person to search on that other than using just the skills portion, do utilize your summary.

Then sprinkle in a bunch of keywords of your skills, again it just makes her profile stronger. Written in a natural speaking style as if you were just talking to people, don’t do what we call keyword stuffing. Or you’re just putting one keyword after the other to be able to show up for the search.

4) Update all of your work experience

Also tag your previous employer and their proper LinkedIn account, because then if you don’t, it will actually show up as just a logo. A photo that makes it less credible than you actually worked there.

Double-check who you’re tagging when you’re adding in your previous job experience and tag the right painted account. Other than that, of course, put your summary. Also, put in detail what it is that you did for that company.

Unlike if you were creating your resume. You want to have more details of what you’ve accomplished, and what you have been able to do for each job just so potential employers and recruiters can see what it is and how relevant you are for the job they are trying to fill.

5) Take a skills assessment test.

Try to see if you can showcase how well you are on different skills. There is savvy only a limited number of skills that you can. Do an assessment form and then LinkedIn. But if your skills fall into any of them, try to take the assessment since that will show up on your profile, that’s just more about building your own credibility within LinkedIn.

6) Updating contact info

If someone wanted to reach out to you and it was like your old work account that you are not able to access anymore. Let’s get a win to eat or you waste. Right email address or the right mobile number on there, you’re making it easier for potential recruiters to reach out to you.

7) Ask for recommendations

There is a special portion and LinkedIn that’s not really available on any other platforms unless you had a Facebook page where people can leave a recommendation. Or you can ask for a recommendation, kind of like how you can leave reviews on Facebook pages.

Recommendations kind of work the same way you can ask previous colleagues or people that you have worked great to leave your recommendation.

What this helps you out with is this just makes your profile stronger for potential recruiters to not have to reach out to past employers to ask. About how it was working with you because then they can just go through the recommendations and see how you are. Once you have your profile set up, keep it up to date.

8) Grow your network

This is something that you guys have to really keep in mind don’t spam as much as possible at the start, only invite people.

Connect with people that you actually know and then connect with the people that they know. You can join different LinkedIn groups where they add each other as their connections.

There are also actual Facebook groups where you go into their leader LinkedIn link and then they will go ahead and connect with you. It’s going to be tempting to just keep adding so many people to your break-even though you don’t know them, LinkedIn actually has a limit on how many people you can connect with today, and enough people say that they don’t know you, but they sent them a request anyway.

You can actually get banned by Algorithm for sending too many requests without having enough people say yes, so keep that in mind.

9) Update your LinkedIn profile link.

What this means is making sure that you use a custom label yourself, it’s going to be easy for you to be able to send your link. Like I said to those Facebook groups to those networking groups, you’re able to connect with people faster, especially if you’re meeting with people in person.

One of these days. You want to have a memorable LinkedIn link to be able to give to the text. There’s then you want to start creating content for your LinkedIn on these.

Don’t have to be a big thought leader type of content, it has to be just content that’s relevant to the people that you want to talk to you. For example, for me, as someone who speaks a lot about virtual assistants and outsourcing and how to have a career.

Mine I post a lot of content on how to do the Pomodoro technique to up your productivity. You know how to learn what tasks to delegate to your assistant and hiring mistakes I’ve done. I really outline those because these are content that’s relevant for me and the people that I am talking to.

Start thinking about what is maybe. Videos that you can share images, infographics, or things that you’ve created that you can show off again to your network. And lastly and this is going to be the most important one is engaging with other people on linked it. Don’t just post, don’t just throw things out there.

10) Update your profile photo.

It’s one of the first things that they will see is one of the first things that they will notice about you when they look you up. Sometimes Google even grabs your LinkedIn photo for your Google profile or when people looking for you.

It should be a professional headshot. It doesn’t have to be a headshot taken at an actual studio. It could be you with your phone. Put it on a camera stand and then just take selfies. That’s what I did. That’s what I’m still doing from time to time when I need a really good headshot, so it doesn’t need to be. I get out of the studio.

Could just be you at home taking a selfie. Have some space on the top of your head and also space right below your waist. Try to wear something smart like a jacket.

Or something and you are good to go. Keep in mind that your profile picture is the one that shows up when you comment when you would like someone’s photo, you know they get the notification. That’s the first thing that they’ll see. Professional number two is to make sure to take charge of the cover photo.

Like Facebook where you have a cover photo and this is something that you guys can definitely create. Canva created a cover photo that showcases what it is that you’re offering.

For example, for me, my cover photo talks about the three ways that we help our clients be able to scale themselves with an executive assistant. I have like 8020 tasks. I have bulletproof systems and a loyal executive assistant.

Those are two Xu formulas, I make sure I showcase that in my profile. Keep in mind that your cover photo is going to be seen both on desktop and on mobile, make sure to test your cover photo if it works on mobile as well because sometimes you know your profile picture is going to be bigger than your cover photo and it might cover parts of the cover photo that you have created.

Wrap up:

Again, it depends on how much your job hunting, and how much you want to grow. Urbana LinkedIn features spend at least 10 to 15 minutes a day going through posts commenting and engaging with people sharing their posts if it’s relevant, so you are upping your status within Linked In.

The fun thing about LinkedIn is even though you’re not directly connected with someone just because you commented on their post, you will show up there as one of them.

Network test. That’s one of the fastest ways that you can really grow your presence. But then LinkedIn is just commenting and engaging with other people because of course that shows that you are someone who’s active on the platform.

